

Hemant Warudkar

What is Identity Resolution and How it Works

Customer Analytics

What is Identity Resolution and How it Works More and more businesses online are veering

| 15 Jan 2020

The Upsurge in Use of Data Catalog


The Upsurge in Use of Data Catalog Which other challenge do data-driven enterprises face in

| 09 Jan 2020

5 Data Analytics Trends to Watch Out for in 2020


5 Data Analytics Trends to watch out for in 2020. The end of the year

| 01 Jan 2020

What is NLP Sentiment Analysis? And Increasing use of NLP in Sentiment Analytics

Customer Analytics

This post’s focus is NLP and its increasing use in what’s come to be known

| 24 Dec 2019

Developing Machine Learning Models for Dynamic Pricing

Analytics Solutions

Developing Machine Learning Models for Dynamic Pricing We previously talked about price optimization and dynamic

| 17 Dec 2019

How Machine Learning is Changing the World of Dynamic Pricing


How machine learning is changing the world of dynamic pricing? E-commerce has now become an

| 10 Dec 2019

How to Deploy Slowly Changing Dimensions?


How to Deploy Slowly Changing Dimensions? In the previous blog, I had explained the different

| 03 Dec 2019

Homomorphic Encryption is about to go Mainstream


Homomorphic Encryption is about to go Mainstream Homomorphic encryption has been around as a concept

| 27 Nov 2019

The Challenge of Dirty Data

Customer Data Platform

A recent post on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to clean data not only elicited tremendous

| 25 Oct 2019