

Innovative Optimization Techniques in Machine Learning Algorithms

Today, you live in the era of automation, artificial intelligence, and the rise of complicated digitization.  The rapid advancement of smart technologies appears to have been going faster as the years go by. Businesses across the US and around the globe have benefitted d

| 16 Jul 2024

Get Ready for Future Innovations with Large Language Models

Nowadays, almost all businesses use generative AI and large language models after realizing their ability to boost accuracy in various tasks. With the innovations in artificial intelligence, the two terms large language models and generative AI are used interchangeably. H

| 28 Mar 2024

Importance of Matchback Analysis for Modern Marketers

Today, the web generates millions of orders in the multichannel commerce background. Usually these orders don’t have source codes. An increasing number of catalogers are noticing the importance of matchback analysis to know response to their mailings. However, the fact i

| 29 Jan 2024

Data Analytics in the Food and Beverage Sector: Examples and Uses

In today’s digital world, data is playing a crucial role in making decisions in different sectors. One such industry that has benefited from the use of data analytics is the food and beverage industry due to the huge demand in modern society.  The food and beverage sector

| 25 Jan 2024

The Future of Recruitment: Use of AI for Better Hiring

Recruitment has become one of the toughest, most challenging, and most time-consuming functions of HR (human resources). Finding the suitable talent for the appropriate position at the right time is very important for the success and growth of any organization.  Especial

| 02 Jan 2024

How Do You Target the Right Audience using Marketing Intelligence?

As a business professional, you are probably responsible for making many important decisions, whether it be something as simple as drafting a social media post for the company account or coordinating the arrival of a revolutionary product to market. But with the burden o

| 25 Sep 2023

Why Your Company Needs Modern Business Intelligence in 2023?

In 2023, the international business intelligence market size is aimed to register a value of US $28,216.8 million. It is aimed at growing to $56,200.9 million by 2023.  The market value of mobile BI is predicted to reach a CAGR of 22.43% between the forecast period of 2021

| 12 Jul 2023

Innovations in Predictive Analytics: ML and Generative AI

With the introduction of ChatGPT-3 and DALL-E2, the majority of investors started showing interest in businesses building generative AI. Moreover, the fact is generative AI is not enough to reach the needs of the AI revolution. The success of predictive models is relevant

| 09 Jun 2023

Predictive Analytics in Marketing: Hype or Reality?

Latest surveys report that the use of predictive analytics in marketing has increased after realizing its importance at the business level. Organizations looking to stay in a dynamic world use data analysis to predict upcoming shifts. Despite being predominantly used, the

| 05 May 2023