Google’s Experiment with Retail Grocery – Will Traditional Players Survive?
This line in a news report in London’s The Guardian – First they (Google) came for your search, then they came for your phone, now they want your groceries – seems like a wake-up call for retail grocers. The report was about the search major announcing that Google Express, the company’s delivery service, would start delivering fresh fruits and… Continue reading Google’s Experiment with Retail Grocery – Will Traditional Players Survive?
How to Use Retail Analytics to Save Your Store?
Reports of retail stores shutting down in the United States and elsewhere are coming in almost every week, leading to some analysts painting a doomsday scenario for this sector. A few others have labelled it, ‘Retail Apocalypse’. But it need not be so. Analytics can save the day for you, indeed give you an edge,… Continue reading How to Use Retail Analytics to Save Your Store?
Digital Marketing Ecosystem, Where to Start?
Digital Marketing Ecosystem, Where to Start? The New future of Digital Marketing If you have ever been to a large city like New York, you might have had to use public transit. One of how. Digital Marketing Ecosystem, Where to Start? Digital Marketing is rapidly becoming more complex. The number of channels and the number… Continue reading Digital Marketing Ecosystem, Where to Start?
Improving the Response Rates of Email Marketing
If you are like most marketing managers the topmost thing in your mind is to generate more revenue with your marketing spend. Perhaps your performance is measured on it. In effect, you are expected to invent the perpetual machine which takes no input but generates infinite output, or so it seems. Most companies today use… Continue reading Improving the Response Rates of Email Marketing
Improving the Response Rates of Email Marketing #2
Improving the Response Rates of Email Marketing Everything in marketing is about being relevant to the context of the customer. Having said that, when we set out on achieving this lofty goal we run into several challenges. One of the major considerations is the definition of the size of the opportunity. Let us assume that… Continue reading Improving the Response Rates of Email Marketing #2
Data Visualization Using Sankey Diagram
Data Visualization Using Sankey Diagram Data visualization offers the best approach for business owners or professionals to communicate data to audiences of non-technical backgrounds. It is one of the greatest ways to simplify the complexity of understanding relationships among data. Sankey Diagram is one such powerful technique to visualize the association of data elements. They are… Continue reading Data Visualization Using Sankey Diagram
Evolution of Analytics Platform
Evolution of Analytics Platform I recently had an opportunity to work on a technology consulting project for one of our customers who are in the services industry providing business analytics solutions. The scope of the project included recommending an “analytical platform” among others so that the customer could move out of their existing custom application… Continue reading Evolution of Analytics Platform
Role of Social Media, Data Analytics in (Loksabha) General Elections 2014 in India
Role of Social Media, Data Analytics in (Loksabha) General Elections 2014 in India (Our objective through this article is to provide insights through the use of data analytics and social media for informed decision making.) Recently 16th (Loksabha) General elections were conducted in India. They were conducted in 9 phases across the country. Even before the elections were… Continue reading Role of Social Media, Data Analytics in (Loksabha) General Elections 2014 in India