

How to Integrate Lightspeed Retail POS With CDP

It is helpful to understand the in-store shopping and demand of customers with point of sales systems. However, limiting analysis to on-site behavior is only half the picture. Identifying customer expectations and aligning them with marketing is crucial in understanding customer digital activity before the site visit.

| 19 May 2022

Point of Sale Analytics: How to Use Data To Boost Foot Traffic and Promotions

POS terminals aren't just simple tills. They now have the power of a powerful device at the retailer's disposal. The information they collect can be analyzed by retailers to improve customer experiences, anticipate demand, and optimize stock levels.

| 06 May 2022

Augmented Analytics: The Future of Business Intelligence

In a rapidly changing business environment, accurate and timely data are more important than ever. Business intelligence practices of the past are not sufficient in the modern era. Human wisdom combined with artificial intelligence is the basis of augmented analytics, a new approach that provides insights previously unattainable.

| 29 Apr 2022

The Definitive Guide To Data Ingestion in Business

Whenever a business employs data analytics to make decisions, the process of data ingestion is crucial. The lack of data prevents businesses from understanding their customers, improving their products, or making informed decisions about how to run their businesses. For analysis, data ingestion involves collecting, cleaning, and storing data. Data ingestion is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution.

| 21 Apr 2022

How Stream Analytics Can Benefit Your Business

A powerful tool that helps businesses make better decisions, stream analytics analyzes data in real time - identifying trends and patterns that may otherwise be missed. By automating decisions and reducing the need for manual data entry and analysis, it can also save businesses time and money.

| 12 Apr 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Risk Prediction Models

Businesses can use risk prediction models to assess the risk of specific events occurring. They are primarily used in the insurance and healthcare industries, but they are also applicable to other industries. Businesses can use risk prediction models to evaluate past data as well as future trends, making them an excellent tool for understanding and managing risks.

| 01 Apr 2022

All You Need To Know About Synthetic Data

The world of business today revolves around data. While collecting synthetic data can be time-consuming and expensive, it can provide a cost-effective and efficient solution. The use of synthetic data is often a better option than collecting real data, since it can be used to test new products, validate models, and train artificial intelligence systems.

| 25 Mar 2022

Finance Teams Need to Tap Into Real-time Data Analytics

The concept of real-time data analysis may sound intimidating to teams used to more traditional compliance environments. Analytics based on real-time data has traditionally been seen as more complex and advanced than the previous compliant model. However, new technological advances in risk management have allowed compliance functions to become as nimble and sophisticated as financial markets themselves. To gain a competitive advantage, finance teams must use real-time data analysis.

| 21 Mar 2022

Why You May Require Customer Data Platform Consulting

More and more businesses are buying a customer data platform but it’s after purchase that many realize that a CDP poses certain operational challenges; indeed, sometimes understanding how it works itself can pose to be quite a hurdle. This is where a customer data platform consultant can help you get the most out of your CDP, helping you use it to its optimum.

| 14 Mar 2022