

Prasanna Chitanand

How to Use QSR Intelligence to Drive Revenue Growth

Analytics Solutions

Data analytics has been transforming different sectors for many years, and the QSR (Quick Service

| 19 May 2023

Predictive Analytics in Marketing: Hype or Reality?

Customer Analytics

Latest surveys report that the use of predictive analytics in marketing has increased after realizing

| 05 May 2023

Power Your Retail Product Recommendation Engine with CIM

Customer Analytics

Both eCommerce and retail companies struggle to track changes in customers’ preferences and constantly update

| 28 Apr 2023

7 Ways to Boost Retail Revenue using Voice of Customer Data

Customer Analytics

Voice of customer data is all audience feedback that is collected by an organization from

| 29 Mar 2023

Easy Ways to Increase Conversions with Behavioral Segmentation

Marketing Analytics

According to Accenture’s report, today, 87% of businesses concur that traditional experiences won’t meet the

| 09 Mar 2023

The Benefits of Identity Resolution in Customer Engagement

Customer Analytics

Today’s marketers have to thread the needle between providing customers an experience that is both

| 28 Feb 2023

How to Use Behavioral Analytics to Improve Customer Engagement

Customer Analytics

The biggest challenge for marketers is to achieve sustainable business growth despite high customer churn

| 14 Feb 2023

Time Series Data: Analysis vs Forecasting

Analytics Solutions

Time series analysis produces a series of information in a specific sequence, so it is

| 14 Dec 2022

Customer Acquisition vs Customer Retention: Which One is More Important?

Customer Analytics

Businesses invest a lot in numerous customer acquisition and retention strategies to gain fresh customers

| 09 Dec 2022