Using Chatbots to Really Understand Your Customer
Using Chatbots to Really Understand Your Customer: Chatbot Customer Journey Using chatbots do you really understand your customer journey? It’s now clear that chatbots are not just passing ship in the night. Over 2.5 billion people worldwide use messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Telegram, all of which are chatbot-centric. Twitter, for example, introduced… Continue reading Using Chatbots to Really Understand Your Customer
Using Machine Learning to Enhance Data Quality
Here's how Machine Learning is being used to preserve data quality - A slideshow by Express Analytics explains you the same.
How Cognitive Computing Can Transform Your Business?
Cognitive computing today is like the embryonic chick beginning to peck its way out of the egg. – Hadley Reynolds, Principal Analyst, NextEra Research: May 2016. It’s been around for 50 years, going from the drawing board to the lab to field tests, but it’s only now that cognitive computing is on the cusp of going… Continue reading How Cognitive Computing Can Transform Your Business?