The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Experience
Customer service is one area where artificial intelligence (AI) can be utilized to the utmost. Businesses that value customer service should integrate AI into their strategies to make customer service better. Tools like these can be found online and can be used to facilitate customer interaction while the buyers browse websites, make purchases, and communicate with businesses via social media platforms.
Using Machine Learning to Grow Customer Lifetime Value (1 of 2)
Using Machine Learning To Grow Customer Lifetime Value (1 of 2) In today’s customer-centric market, it’s very important to get to know a customer’s lifetime value (CLV). Customer Lifetime Value helps businesses concentrate their activities around their most “profitable” clients. The better a business understands CLV, the better its’ strategy at retaining its best customers.… Continue reading Using Machine Learning to Grow Customer Lifetime Value (1 of 2)
What is Machine Learning and Machine Learning Techniques: A Complete Guide
Analyzing data in order to find patterns and apply these findings to business goals is the most general definition of data analytics. In the past few years, the flow of data into enterprises has grown exponentially, making it difficult to analyze data using traditional statistical methods. Data analytics can now overcome this hurdle by incorporating machine learning, an aspect of artificial intelligence. By building efficient algorithms, machine learning automates the process of data analysis, revealing hidden patterns and insights.
AI Model Developed to Detect Sarcasm in Social Media Text As Part of Sentiment Analysis
Sarcasm Sentiment Analysis: AI Model to Detect Sarcasm in Social Media What is Sarcasm Sentiment Analysis (sarcastic sentiment detection)? Sentiment analysis of social media means just that – to use data to understand what people feel or think about your product, service, or even brand. Since social media today is a crucial component of digital… Continue reading AI Model Developed to Detect Sarcasm in Social Media Text As Part of Sentiment Analysis
The Rise of Commercial Artificial Intelligence in BI
The Rise of Commercial Artificial Intelligence in BI Even as global businesses continue to embrace big data and data analytics, the challenge many faces is: how to derive the most value from the big data. The latter refers to very large sets of data that cannot be handled with traditional methods. With artificial intelligence (AI)… Continue reading The Rise of Commercial Artificial Intelligence in BI
How To Use Machine Learning In Predictive CLV Models (2 of 2)
In the first post on this topic, we defined customer lifetime value (CLV) and learned about customer lifetime value models. How to use machine learning in predictive CLV models (Customer Lifetime Value Prediction Model). In this post, we’ll learn how machine learning can be deployed to predict CLV. Customer Lifetime Value CLV is a customer’s past… Continue reading How To Use Machine Learning In Predictive CLV Models (2 of 2)