What is A Recommender System? A Primer
ML algorithms are used to run recommender systems, which filter information based on a customer's ratings or preferences. Recommendation engines are helpful in reducing the challenge of information overload in e-commerce. Amazon and Netflix were first to popularize recommender systems. However, you can now find recommendations in almost every corner of the digital world, from Facebook posts, Instagram stories, YouTube videos, to food delivery services and e-commerce sites. Today, more and more companies are able to develop and deploy recommender systems thanks to cost-effective and easily accessible software.
Hemant Warudkar | 10 Oct 2020
Building A Recommender System – A Primer: Part 2
Building A Recommender System In Machine Learning – A Primer : Part 2 In Part One of this post, you read about what is a recommender system in Machine Learning, the different classes, and the steps involved in building a recommendation engine. In this second and last post, we shall now talk about how to build… Continue reading Building A Recommender System – A Primer: Part 2
Hemant Warudkar | 09 Oct 2020
Remarketing: Strategically Targeting Your Customers
What is remarketing? Remarketing is how you connect with people who have earlier interacted with your Site or mobile app. Although the word is used interchangeably with retargeting, both denote different plans of action. Retargeting is a sub-discipline of remarketing that uses cookies for existing campaigns to better target potential customers. Remarketing, on the other… Continue reading Remarketing: Strategically Targeting Your Customers
Hemant Warudkar | 01 Sep 2020
How to Manage Dynamic Pricing in COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic and how it has affected business The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the business world off of its’ axis. The virus has disrupted global productivity, manufacturing, service activities, and supply chains. How to manage dynamic pricing in COVID-19? With the major services that form the backbone of the business world out of commission,… Continue reading How to Manage Dynamic Pricing in COVID-19
Hemant Warudkar | 24 Aug 2020
Using Data Analytics To Endure The Coronavirus Pandemic And After
In part 1 of this blog, we looked at the disruption in business brought on by COVID-19 and talked about how data analytics was the one scientific response available to tackle these challenges. In this blog, we will discuss how your business can use data analytics to not only endure the economic downturn caused by the… Continue reading Using Data Analytics To Endure The Coronavirus Pandemic And After
Hemant Warudkar | 28 Apr 2020
Why And How Should Your Business Use Data Analytics In COVID-19 Crisis And After
To rephrase German entrepreneur and religious leader Dieter F. Uchtdorf in today’s time of the pandemic: It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your business story will develop hereon. The COVID-19 pandemic has put the world of business into a never-seen-before state of turmoil. It has disrupted productivity, manufacturing, service,… Continue reading Why And How Should Your Business Use Data Analytics In COVID-19 Crisis And After
Hemant Warudkar | 23 Apr 2020
How To Use Machine Learning In Predictive CLV Models (2 of 2)
In the first post on this topic, we defined customer lifetime value (CLV) and learned about customer lifetime value models. How to use machine learning in predictive CLV models (Customer Lifetime Value Prediction Model). In this post, we’ll learn how machine learning can be deployed to predict CLV. Customer Lifetime Value CLV is a customer’s past… Continue reading How To Use Machine Learning In Predictive CLV Models (2 of 2)
Hemant Warudkar | 22 Apr 2020