Benefits of Cloud Data Analytics
Data discovery is an important part of the data landscape and understanding your company's data is crucial for progress and innovation. In this, data discovery is an important step. Read more on data discovery.
Express Analytics | 20 Dec 2021
Everything You Need to Know About Time Series Analysis – A Primer
Is there a way of knowing when a commodity's price has increased? Yes, one can compare the price of a commodity over a period of time. In time series, observations are arranged according to successive periods. A time series is an arrangement of data according to their time of occurrence. Using time as a reference point here is a way of relating the whole phenomenon to appropriate points in time, where time is measured in days, months, or even years.
Express Analytics | 09 Nov 2021
What You Need to Know About Ecommerce Analytics Tools
What You Need to Know About Ecommerce Analytics Tools Ecommerce analytics tools are not all created equally, but they do provide you with the ability to understand and utilize the data that is being collected on your website. In order to make the most of your budget, you need to know how to use these… Continue reading What You Need to Know About Ecommerce Analytics Tools
Prasanna Chitanand | 04 Aug 2021
Conducting Social Media Sentiment Analysis: A Working Example
Till a few years ago, it wasn't common practice to analyze customer sentiments. Today, sentiment analysis is a viable tool for businesses thanks to technological advances and also to shifts in business mindsets. The interesting thing about it and what makes it different from the other forms of data analytics is that it deals with emotions, and we all know that emotions are never black or white. An enterprise or brand can find out how the world or the consumer feels by doing sentiment analysis. This could be a positive or a negative reaction. So how does social media sentiment analysis work? Read on.
Hemant Warudkar | 24 May 2021
AI Model Developed to Detect Sarcasm in Social Media Text As Part of Sentiment Analysis
Sarcasm Sentiment Analysis: AI Model to Detect Sarcasm in Social Media What is Sarcasm Sentiment Analysis (sarcastic sentiment detection)? Sentiment analysis of social media means just that – to use data to understand what people feel or think about your product, service, or even brand. Since social media today is a crucial component of digital… Continue reading AI Model Developed to Detect Sarcasm in Social Media Text As Part of Sentiment Analysis
Prasanna Chitanand | 11 May 2021
Graph Analytics: Reasons Why More Businesses are Adopting It
Graph Analytics: Reasons Why More Businesses are Adopting It Studies show that between 2019 and 2020, a sizeable number of businesses adopted graph-related technologies. Indeed, one such report has predicted that the global graph analytics market size was expected to grow from US$584 million in 2019 to US$2,522 million by 2024. This was at a… Continue reading Graph Analytics: Reasons Why More Businesses are Adopting It
Hemant Warudkar | 23 Nov 2020
Developing Machine Learning Models for Dynamic Pricing
Developing Machine Learning Models for Dynamic Pricing We previously talked about price optimization and dynamic pricing. Today, we are going to look at using developing machine learning (Ml) in dynamic pricing models. With artificial intelligence (AI) technology now going mainstream, dynamic pricing is something that even small retailers and e-commerce players can now use to… Continue reading Developing Machine Learning Models for Dynamic Pricing
Hemant Warudkar | 17 Dec 2019